Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bridge? What Bridge?

Johor Menteri Besar was ashen as he gave the news. The bridge project, which is supposed to link the spanking new Customs and Immigration Complex to Singapore, was null and void as announced by the Prime Minister by fax to all media and was flashed by Bernama at its website. Everyone, well at least those in Johor, was shocked. The MB, put on a brave face on the camera.

But the people thought the idea was unthinkable. The PM is talking about the country's sovereignity, sand and airspace included. So people, forget the bridge, don't be selfish, we need airspace and sand more than mere links. The Causeway still works, doesn't it?

tsk tsk tsk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There u go...skrg baru kome tau apo sobab PM maleh nak jawab selama ni...aku ingat sbb dia masih hormat Madeh...tak mau jatuhkan air muka Madeh...tapi Madeh berkeras konon silembut tak leh patahkan sikeras...skrg...ambek ko!