Saturday, May 20, 2006

Suddenly Muslim

There's a lot of money in 'muslim'.

Today the papers published about Al Quds Jeans an Italian designed material which is described by product development manager Susanna Cavalli as: "The idea behind the jeans is not political, ideological or religious at all. It is a cultural act." The jeans is specially tailored for Muslim youths for use in mosques (by that is roomy and allowed freedom of movement in prayers).

Then there is Islamic Financial Centres. Last week MB Johor said it should be a niche market in global finance world, and Malaysia should become a leader.

Then there is Halal product market world wide which is estimated at US$80 billion. Today Tesco said they will market RM1 billion Malaysian halal product to UK via 50 of its stores over the next five years.

All these after Sept 11 2001. Some brand Muslims as potential terrorists, others a niche market but whichever way you look at it Muslim means money, whether you are selling guns or groceries.

Closer at home declaring you are a Mulism may mean being pretentious.
Alaa pakai je tudung, bukannye baik sangat pun.
alaa nampak je ketayap putih, siang malam pegi masjid entah ye entah tidak.
alaa konon je pegi majlis agama sebenarnya suke juga kalau ada joget-joget.

Today, a friend over the phone said: "They are all such pretentious lot. The Abim guys, Anwar Ibrahim, uggh."

I thought eh?

"Ya laa... He took the media over and although that has nothing to do with music industry directly but the Islamic movement crippled creative people. We're banckrupt of ideas."


"That's why nobody wants to buy any CDs. We can't produce good albums. You think Siti Nurhaliza sells? Heeeh Only Raihan sells. It the cultural revolution I tell you!"


He butted in: "Exactly my point. That's why we need Islam Hadhari...." and he rattled on and on.

Quite lost with the exact point, I decided to let him be. After all, in a pretension game, the pretenders would pretend to win.

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